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これは、ギタリストのローレンス・ジュバー [Laurence Juber]さんにお寄せ頂いた原稿です。 





Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of your company - it is a splendid achievement!


My favorite three albums:


There are many vinyl albums on my studio shelf and I could point to a great number that influenced my musical trajectory,

perhaps selecting a group of blues, rock or classical recordings. I will, however, stick to those acoustic guitar recordings that made a strong impression on me.


Sir John Alot (1968) - John Renbourn
The fusion of renaissance music, ragtime and folk with a vein of jazz and blues. It was the first recording that truly fueled my ambition to play fingerstyle guitar. I was a little too young to experience the first wave of the English folk-baroque style as presented by Davey Graham, but the next wave, with Bert Jansch, John Renborn were among my favorites.


Blues For Night People (1957) - Charlie Byrd
A fusion of jazzy East coast blues with a Segovia-trained classical sensibility. Byrd's approach to putting fingerstyle acoustic guitar in a jazz trio ensemble inspired some of my own recordings.


My Goal's Beyond (1970) - John McLaughlin
I was already a John McLaughlin fan from his Extrapolation LP, as well as his playing on Miles Davis' In A Silent Way. The Indian-jazz fusion on side one of My Goal's Beyond was super cool, but side two, where he plays solos and self-duets, was an inspiration, as this progressive British jazz guitarist explored fresh textures on an acoustic guitar by trading his electric archtop for an Ovation.


All the best,





40周年記念おめでとうございます - それは素晴らしい業績です!






Sir John Alot (1968) - John Renbourn




Blues For Night People (1957) - Charlie Byrd



My Goal's Beyond (1970) - John McLaughlin

ソロLP『Extrapolation』およびマイルス・デイヴィスの『In A Silent Way』で(彼が)演奏している頃から私はジョン・マクラフリンのファンでした。彼のアルバム『My Goal's Beyond』で、インド音楽とジャズのフュージョンが収録されているサイド1はもちろんカッコ良いのですが、普段のエレキのアーチトップ(のギター)からオベーション(のギター)に持ち替えてアコースティック・ギターの新たな一面を開拓している革新的なイギリスのジャズ・ギタリストの一面が窺えるサイド2のソロ楽曲や1人二重奏の楽曲からもインスピレーションを受けました。









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