これは、アレックス・デ・グラッシ [Alex de Grassi] さんに送って頂いた原稿です。


Congratulations on your thirty years of making music available to more people in the world!

Now, with great difficulty, I will pick only three recordings as my favorites.

Simon & Garfunkle / Sounds of Silence -- This is a record I listened to so many times as a young teenager learning to play guitar. At the time I was also very interested in singing and felt that this record contained the best lyrics and the best guitar arrangements I had ever heard. I learned to play most of the songs on the album by ear, that is to say, by listening to the record over and over again. This recording shaped my early enthusiasm for playing steel-string guitar.

Keith Jarret / Bremen Lausanne Concerts (ECM) -- While my guitar playing was also largely influenced by folk music, I felt the "cross-genre" spirit of this recording and Keith Jarret's solo concerts in general to be like a doorway into a world of new possibilties that would allow me in turn to expand my approach to solo guitar. The title piece from my first recording, Turning:Turning Back (1978), was very much inspired by side three of this three record set.

Egberto Gismonti / Sanfona (ECM) -- This is a double CD that uses the rich indigenous rhythms of Brazil as a foundation for Gismonti's incredible composing and improvising skills. It is to me the definitive statement of how a composer can blend his imagination with traditional music to create something completely new. Without using any cliches, this record seamlessly blends jazz, folk, world, and classical music into one extremely soulful experience.

Now I feel guilty because I have left out so many wonderful recordings. Next time, maybe I can at least pick ten?

all the best!






サイモン&ガーファンクル / Sounds of Silence

キース・ジャレット / Bremen Lausanne Concerts (ECM)
私のギター・プレイはフォーク・ミュージックからの多大な影響も受けつつ、キース・ジャレットのこのアルバムの音楽ジャンルを越えた精神と彼のソロ・コンサートに新たな可能性の世界への扉のように感じました。それは、私のソロ・ギターへのアプローチを拡げてくれたのです。私のファースト・アルバム『Turning:Turning Back (1978年)』のアルバム・タイトル曲は、この3枚組アルバムの3面目からの影響を強く受けたものだったのです。

エグベルト・ジスモンチ(ギスモンティ) / Sanfona (ECM)










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